
Our members are able to insure their vehicles at extremely competitive rates. Covers available are full Comprehensive, whilst in use or laid-up. The Insurance application form can be downloaded below. The benefit to our members is that full Insurance cover is given at agreed value. 


COLLECTORS VEHICLES – Categories A to B and Not in Daily Use

The vehicle (Car, Commercial or Motorcycle) that attracts the highest premium from any category is charged at the full rate. All other vehicles are charged at the lower rate. Registration Certificates are required for vehicles in use. Cover is Full Comprehensive. 

There are two categories of vehicle under this heading the oldest vehicles attracting the lower rates and the later models the higher rates. Insurance rates are available from the SAVVA broker.  

Category A Vehicles built / registered before December 31, 1979.

Category B Vehicles built / registered between January 1980 and December 31, 1999.  

SAVVA Insurance cover is subject to certain conditions indicated below and is not intended for cars in daily use.  

  • Any activity organised by the Garden Route Motor Club which is affiliated to SAVVA including Displays, Car shows; Regularity or Economy events, Fun Runs, Tours, Processions, Club Meetings and journeys to and from such events but excluding Speed trials, Circuit racing off road events and hire or display beyond the immediate supervision and control of the insured.
  • Being taken for repair or restoration under own power or by trailer and trailer to any event. Road testing by the insured or mechanic for the purpose of maintenance provided this is not done in peak traffic times.
  • Occasional journeys of a purely social and pleasure nature but excluding to and from a place of business employment or educational institution and business use.

USE CLAUSE 2 (Laid Up)

Laid up or in storage awaiting or under restoration and not taken off the premises or on the road.  This includes the vehicle in a stripped condition undergoing restoration work but only parts associated therewith, excluding spare parts.

To apply for SAVVA discounted insurance cover for your vehicle, please download the application form which may be submitted to Gareth Bain ( Telephone: 087 736 2222  together with a letter from the Club Chairman certifying that you are a member of the GRMC.