On 3 May 2020 we would have held our annual Knysna Motor Show which had to be canclled as part of controlling the spread of the Covod-19 pandemic. As thanks to all who had entered cars or bikes, to those who would have sponsored the event and all who would have liked the Knysna Motor Show, we present a Virtual 2020 Knysna Motor show on this page.
Here are the prize winners for our Virtual 2020 Knysna Motor Show:
Best Overall : Kobus Mostert for being the most enthusiastic supporter, submitting some 20 beautiful American classics.
Most desirable Classic : Ravi Chetty for his superb 1968 GT350H Hertz rent a racer
Best Vintage Car: Harry Calver with his lovely Silver Ghost
Best Bike : Steve Helm who entered 3 lovely bikes.
A special word of thanks to the hundreds of enthusiasts who supported our Virtual Show and to those who donated to our charity fund.
The annual Knysna Motor show raises money for deserving local charities. Although the show could not go ahead, we staged a Virtual Knysna Motor show and we have received donations from certain sponsors , participants; stand & stall holders and the Garden Route Motor Club members. Through their generosity we collected R47,250 to which our Club added to make a total of R60,000 . The following charities will benefit:
– Knysna Hospice
– E-pap – A feeding scheme in Knysna for underprivileged children
– FAMSA – Plettenberg Bay – Through counselling reconstruct family life & relationships
– Knysna Animal Welfare
– BADISA – Knysna – A social welfare organisation that provides care for abused children and families .
– Change for Change – Knysna – Private group looking after destitute families who have lost their jobs
Thanks to all who contributed for their generosity
Kind Regards : Peter Pretorius and the Garden Route Motor Club.
If you would like to see all the cars and bikes that were entered on our Facebook page please click on the link below.
Our prior Press Releases prior to the planned 2020 Knysna Motor Show
The Knysna motor show ( KMS) is building up to be another spectacle of awesome cars and rare motorcycles on display. All the registrations thus far have been personally selected and should be of great interest to everyone on May 3. It definitely is an opportunity for everyone to enjoy . Please click on this link to read our latest press release. – https://motorpress.co.za/distribute/7892/render
Please click on the link , to read a further press release , now focusing on some of the amazing motorcycles that will be displayed at the Knysna motor show. –https://motorpress.co.za/