Knysna Motor Show 2021


From Knysna Motor Show Chairman:

We wish you a blessed and safe 2021 .  Although we had hoped that 2021 would start in a more positive way , but unfortunately with the resurgence of Covid 19 it has not been the case and we do not know what 2021 will hold for us . It looks like it will be another year of avoiding gatherings , not being able to enjoy our passion as petrol heads and having to abide by Covid 19 restrictions.

As advised in my December 9 communication , the Knysna motor show (KMS) committee would be meeting in January to make a final decision regarding the staging of the KMS in 2021 . The KMS committee has now had the opportunity to fully evaluate whether to go ahead with the KMS in 2021 or cancel the event .  Recognising all the uncertainties around Covid 19 and at what stage the vaccination of the public will reach “ herd immunity “,  it has been decided to cancel the May 2, planned date for the KMS .  Furthermore it has also been decided not to postpone the staging of the KMS, but to cancel it in total for 2021 .  While it is a very sad decision , it has been done in the best interest of all involved in organising the event, the participants and the public . A further consideration was the lead-time required to organise the event and the cost implications should the KMS not receive the support from the participants and public . Accordingly we will now plan to stage the next KMS in 2022 and will then look forward to your usual support . You will be kept updated once we have greater clarity and have set a date for 2022 .

Your understanding will be appreciated . Be careful, stay safe and keep well.

Kind regards, Peter


Posted on

December 9, 2020

Knysna Motor Show 2021

by | Dec 9, 2020